The brain contains 86 billion neurons, which create complex networks and communicate information via trillions of synapses.
It can process a whopping one million gigabytes of data in a second.
Electric impulses are used by the neurons to coordinate our thoughts and movements.
The brain can rewire itself throughout life, adapting to new information and experiences.
The brain continues to function during REM sleep, which results in enigmatic dreams.
Disproving the left-brain vs right-brain myth, the brain’s hemisphere works in synergy.
The brain stores a colossal amount of data, equal to 3 million hours of television shows.
The brain processes information quickly—120 meters per second, to be exact.
Lacking pain receptors, the brain remains impervious to its sensations.
The brain consumes 20% of the body’s energy, despite comprising only 2% of its weight.