10 Morning Habits To Lose Weight

Apr 24, 2024

Wake Up Early

A healthy sleep cycle goes a long way in keeping your weight balanced. Sleep on time, sleep without disruption and wake up at a fixed time, early in the morning. Of course, if you work night shifts, you have to postpone your waking up time but ensure a healthy sleep cycle. (Images by Freepik, Pexels)

Weigh Yourself

Your weight in the morning, before you have eaten anything and passed your bowels, is the most accurate weight. Hop on to the scale every morning to keep track of your weight and stay motivated.

Drink Lukewarm Water

Having a glass of lukewarm water in the morning boosts your metabolism, keeps your digestive system on track and helps in your weight loss journey.


Morning workouts have many advantages. It keeps your blood sugar levels in check. Also when you exercise on empty stomach, the body burns the stored fat to meet the energy requirements, thus aiding in weight loss.

Have A High Protein Breakfast

A protein-rich breakfast will help you curb your hunger pangs and cravings for unhealthy food and keep you full for longer. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day.

Be Mindful

Practice mindfulness through meditation. Studies have shown it can aid in weight loss and managing obesity.

Make A Meal Plan

When you are trying to lose weight, it's important to watch what you eat. Making a meal plan for the day in the morning will help you consume low-calorie, balanced meals, essential for weight loss.

Pack Home-Cooked Meals

Instead of eating oily food from canteens or junk food from outside, carry home-cooked, healthy food to your place of work or study. This will keep your weight loss journey on track.

Climb Stairs, Take Public Transport

Every step matters when you are looking to lose weight, so instead of taking the elevator, climb stairs. If possible, walk that extra mile and take public transport.

Keep A Count On Calories

Keep a count of calorie consumption. While you don't have to go overboard, this knowledge will help you plan your meals better and make the weight loss journey more manageable.


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