10 Things To Know About CAA

Aditi Rana
Mar 12, 2024

Implementation Of CAA

The PM issued a notification regarding the CAA law through a press conference on Monday . Around 4 years back, the parliament passed the Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019. (Image : ani)

Eligible Religious Minorities

The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) rule aims to grant Indian citizenship for minorities including Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, and Christians from neighboring countries . (Image : ani)

Neighboring Countries

Indian citizenship will be available only to those who had taken refuge in India before 31 December 2014, from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Only people from these three countries will be eligible to apply for citizenship. (Image : ani)

Applications Online

The application process will be completely online. The applicant will not require any additional documents for the application. Applicants must indicate when they arrived in India. . (Image : ani)


The Citizenship Amendment Bill was proposed in the Lok Sabha on 9 December 2019. The House passed the bill on 9 December 2019. The Rajya Sabha passed the bill on December 11, 2019. It got the President’s assent on 12 December 2019. (Image : ani)

Impact on Indian Citizens

Indian citizens have nothing to do with the CAA 2019. Indians have the right to citizenship under the Constitution. The CAA Act cannot take away Indian citizenship. (Image : ani)

According to the 2021 Annual Report

1414 persons belonging to non-Muslim minority communities who came from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan between April 1 ,2021, and December 31, 2021, were granted Indian citizenship through registration or naturalization under the Citizenship Act 1955.. (Image : ani)

Protests and Controversies

The CAA sparked widespread protests across India, with critics expressing concerns about its implications on secularism and the National Register of Citizens (NRC). (Image : ani)

Opposition Responses

Several state governments in India, particularly those led by opposition parties, have refused to implement the CAA, citing concerns about its constitutionality and its potential to create social unrest.. (Image : ani)

Public Opinion

While certain individuals endorsed it as a means of safeguarding persecuted minorities, others voiced opposition, citing apprehensions regarding its potential effects on the nation's secular principles.. (Image : ani)


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