5 Food Items to Avoid While Suffering From Cold & Fever

Suddenly, it seems like everyone you know has a cold and/or a fever. Even though eating may seem like the last thing you want to do at these times, you must. Let's take a look at the foods and drinks to avoid at all costs.

Burgers- Greasy foods

Foods that contain high saturated fat should be avoided, and greasy, fried foods should be limited.


Avoid crunchy chips, biscuits, pretzels, and crackers because these can irritate your throat further.

French Fries

Fried foods not only cause harm but also interfere in the absorption of the medicines and their effectiveness.


During fever, avoid eating food like whole wheat grains and cereals.

Aerated Drinks

Staying hydrated during the day is advised because sipping drinks with caffeine and alcohol might worsen the symptoms.


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