For weight loss, take coriander seeds, fennel seeds, cumin seeds, carom seeds, and cinnamon and roast and then grind them.
Mint leaves are high in fibre and extremely low in calories, and turmeric is strong in antiseptic, together, these components can aid in belly fat reduction.
Ginger is a natural appetite suppressant, and it also helps in keeping your blood sugar levels stable.
It aids in weight loss because it makes you feel fuller for longer and speeds up the fat-burning process.
Drinking Cumin Seeds Tea is one of the best ways to boost metabolism and for quick weight loss.
This is a Chinese herbal tea which has been known to aid weight loss.
Drinking a cup of black tea daily also improves cardiovascular health and keeps the heart healthy by improving blood flow
Prevent new fat cells from forming but it also helps utilize fat released to produce energy for functioning.
Helps increase metabolism and burn adipose tissues which results in fat release from fat cells especially in the belly region.