7 Home Remedies To Treat Cough And Cold

The flu season is causing havoc all around us! And while you must consult a medical professional, here are some easy home remedies for common cold and cough.

Ginger Tea

It will soothe you and also treat your cough and cold. This refreshing tea is known to be effective in removing phlegm from the respiratory tract.

Haldi Doodh or Turmeric Milk

This age-old drink is perfect for colds and coughs. Haldi is a kitchen staple in India and contains powerful antioxidants. If you drink turmeric milk before going to bed, it's likely you will sleep better.

Tulsi Tea or Tulsi Kadha

Tulsi is regarded as the "The Queen of Herbs" in Ayurveda and works very well to cure colds and coughs. Add it to the tea or make tulsi kadha if you have the flu.

Cinnamon With Honey

Take 1 teaspoon of honey and add 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Have it twice a day and see symptoms going down in 2-3 days.

Jaggery Solution

Add black pepper, cumin, and jaggery to water and boil it. This can give relief from chest congestion.

Honey And Brandy

A few drops of honey mixed with a teaspoon of brandy can do wonders when it comes to treating cold and flu.

Mulethi Water

In one glass of warm water, add mulethi powder and drink it. This gives relief from cold and sore throat. You can also add licorice/mulethi sticks to water and boil it. And drink that water.


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