Jamtara: Sabka Number Ayega is a crime drama set in Jharkhand, focusing on a gang of young men who run a successful phishing operation.
The Fame Game is a Bollywood film that follows the mysterious disappearance of Bollywood celebrity Anamika Anand, causing a media frenzy.
Leila is set in a dystopian future where society is segregated based on caste, religion, and purity, with Shalini on a desperate journey to rescue her daughter.
A Suitable Boy, a novel by Vikram Seth, follows Lata Mehra, a young woman in post-independence India, as her mother searches for a suitable groom.
The film follows their lengthy quest for justice against strong forces attempting to cover up the atrocity.
Taj Mahal 1989 is a nostalgic series set in Lucknow that follows several individuals whose lives overlap around love and relationships.
She is a criminal thriller that follows the journey of a female cop, Bhumika Pardeshi (Aaditi), going undercover to expose a narcotics gang.