Ghost Rider is a marvel character who is a superhuman with self healing ability and with the infinite power of hell and ghost vengeance.
Ghost Rider is one of the most powerful characters of Marvel who has infinite possessing power of hell and hell fire.
Ghost rider can easily ride in the water with his motorcycle because of his hell fire ability.
Carter Slade was the first man to become the ghost rider in 1967 with the power of vengeance who later on gave his ability to John Blaze the original Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider can easily control his death chain which he carries with his mind and can use the fire in the chain.
The Avengers attacked Ghost Rider in the comics but none of them can beat him even though Thor tried to weaken him by Mjolnir but he grabbed and hit back with Mjolnir.
Ghost Rider helped the superheroes from fighting with DeLilah who was a threat to the team and Ghost Rider along with Wolverine, Spiderman and Hulk defeated him.