Know How Anime Is Different From Cartoon

All Image: IMDb

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 15, 2024

Anime Fans

The biggest concern of an Anime fan is to make people clear about the difference between cartoon and Anime which is often misunderstood.


People get confused between Anime and cartoon for being the same as they certainly have some similarity to animated media.

Animation Forms

The two have different roots, storytelling techniques and target audience and it is important to clear the difference to appreciate the different forms.


Anime is an early 20th century Japanese style animation known for its unique style and vast variety.


Cartoons are late 19th and early 20th centuries animation art originated in the United States known specifically for comedy purposes.


Anime is for a more mature audience while Cartoons are for younger audiences containing light-hearted humorous themes.

Story Telling

Anime is known for its complex, intricate storytelling featuring multiple characters while Cartoons have a simple and straightforward way of storytelling.


With the difference it does not mean cartoons are lacking creativity or originality or anime is only for mature and complex viewing audiences.


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