Hidden Gems: 7 Underrated Books Worth Reading

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 21, 2024

Stoner by John Williams

The life of Missourian university professor William Stoner is the subject of this subdued book. Despite the seemingly ordinary nature of his life, the book's examination of his inner world is insightful and masterfully written.

The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell

The book, which combines science fiction and religion, chronicles the adventures of a Jesuit mission to a far-off world. It addresses issues of faith, customs, and the fallout from making initial contact with an extraterrestrial society.

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Set in post-war Barcelona, this novel follows a young boy who discovers a mysterious book that leads him into a labyrinth of intrigue and danger.

A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry

The novel intertwines the lives of four characters from different backgrounds, revealing the harsh realities of life under the government’s Emergency rule.

Gilead by Marilynne Robinson

Written as a letter from a dying father to his young son, this novel is a meditation on faith, forgiveness, and the passage of time.

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

A satirical novel with elements of romance, political satire, and fantasy that is set in Soviet Russia. It's a crazy journey across Stalinist Moscow and a reworking of the Pontius Pilate narrative.

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

A dark and imaginative urban fantasy set in the underground world of London, where forgotten people and things live out strange and mysterious lives.

The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende

A multigenerational novel that explores themes of family, love, and political unrest while fusing magical realism with the history of a Latin American nation.


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