Bollywood's favorite couple, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, welcomed their little bundle of joy on September 8th, and fans are just over the moon! Ever since the big reveal, social media has been flooded with adorable name suggestions for their little princess.
Originating from Sanskrit, this name is associated with "little sun" or "daughter of the sun," symbolizing brightness, warmth, and radiance.
Derived from the Slavic word 'vera', which means 'faith' or 'belief'
Raya is a Hebrew origin name that means Friend, Beloved Woman.
This Sanskrit origin name means Blessings, Moonlight or auspicious
This elegant name means good fortune, prosperity, wealth, success, superiority, and supernatural power.
This name means “spring of love," "full of love," or "a person full of prosperity and loving"
This symbolizes brightness, warmth, and positivity, capturing the radiance and optimism a child brings into the world.