Released in 2025, this movie is a suspense thriller where a 40 year old murder case is reopened and a suspended cop is tasked with solving the case full of faceless victims.
Released in 2024,is a movie about a folk singer who he escapes slavery and by fate he encounters an ancient mansion with dark secrets that alter his destiny.
Released in 2024, this is based on adventure-drama where a group of friends decide to go to the perilous Guna Caves, from where no one has ever returned alive.
Released in 2024, this story is full of suspense where Priyadarshini and her friends find Manuel’s return unusual and his behaviour strange which leads to uncovering dark secrets.
Released in 2024, in a monkey-inhabited village, strange instances start to occur which leads a newlywed and forest officials to go on a mission to uncover secrets.
Released in 2025, this is a thrilling mystery where a cop and an artist team up to find the killer of a brutal murder case.
It is a movie about three teenagers who move to Bangalore for their college degree but find themselves in a compromising position, to take revenge from their college seniors they find a local gangster named Ranga.