Released in 2019, directed by Anurag Singh, is a true, patriotic war story about 21 Sikh soldiers defending against thousands of invaders, showcasing bravery, sacrifice and devotion.
Released in 2017, directed by Shree Narayan Singh, is a funny yet emotional story of a man’s fight for a toilet to save his marriage and improve his village’s living conditions.
Released in 2010, directed by Sajid Khan, is a comedy film about confused relationships with wild situations in a chaotic household.
Released in 2007, directed by Priyadarshan, is shot in a spooky mansion where mysterious things keep happening, the movie is a perfect blend of horror, humor, and suspense.
Released in 2008, directed by Anees Bazmee, is about a once carefree man who later becomes an unlikely gangster, the movie is a fun mix of comedy and action.
Released in 1992, directed by Abbas-Mustan, is an action-thriller where Akshay becomes an iconic action hero and fights deception and danger.
Released in 2000, directed by Priyadarshan, is a hilarious tale of three men who get caught in a money-making scam.