All Image Credit: IMDb
The haunting true story revolves around Jeffrey Dahmer, a teenage boy who turns into something disastrous following his disturbed childhood, unhealthy obsession and love for alcohol.
The real-life incident focuses on Sally, Franklin and their three friends who run out of gas while traveling to their grandmother’s house, only to get killed by a chainsaw-wielding killer and his psycho family.
The story centers on Robert Graysmith, a cartoonist who gets completely obsessed with the case of a serial killer who refers to himself as Zodiac and challenges authorities to catch him.
The chilling story follows the mysterious disappearance of several children in sector 36 at the hands of a serial killer who cooks their parts and eats them as a meal.
The story revolves around Megan Paige, a detective who becomes completely obsessed with the case of murder of a young girl, leading her out of the case until years later the killer strikes again.
The gripping story centers on a German serial killer named Fritz Honka who killed four women during the 1970s and hid their bodies in his own apartment.
The true story is set in the Mumbai of the 1980s where a suspended police officer decides to solve the case of mysterious death of footpath residents by a serial killer who kills them in their sleep.
The story revolves around Prajakta Deshpande, a mentally unstable and drug addicted woman who seduces men only to kill them and later involves her two daughters to be a part of her psycho mission.