It is a popular anime featuring junior high schooler Hinata, who joins a volleyball club, facing challenges and rivals, highlighting teamwork, perseverance
The series follows the Seirin High basketball team as they strive for Japan's best, with Kuroko's unique playing style playing a crucial role in their success.
It is the most popular racing event in the galaxy, and attracts racers from all corners with unique skills and strategies, creating an exhilarating spectacle.
It is a figure skating anime that follows Yuri Katsuki's journey through competitive sports, focusing on self-discovery, friendship, and perseverance through stunning animation.
The story unfolds four high school students, Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa, and Rin, lost touch after a swimming tournament, but reunite years later, recognizing their strong bond.
This anime explores the psychological and emotional aspects of table tennis, focusing on the characters' rivalry, growth, and self-discovery.
It is a baseball anime featuring Eijun Sawamura, a talented pitcher, showcasing his character development and growth through intense games and emotional moments.