The Ice Age is a 2002 film and it revolves around Manny the mammoth, Diego the saber-toothed tiger, and Sid the loquacious sloth who went on a comical quest to return a human baby to his father across the ice age world.
The 2008 movie is about Po an overweight and clumsy panda who is chosen as a protector of the Valley of Peace and tested by the Valley's enemy.
The movie is about a nun who is comforting a convicted killer on death and later emphasizes both the killer and his family.
The movie is about a corrupt Thomas Reynolds who has a congressman to ensure the passage of expansive legislation. The lawyer is framed for murder by a policeman and his NSA goons.
The movie is about Peter Jackson's expansive film and his crew who went on a journey from New York to Skull Island to film a movie but they find cannibalistic natives.
School Of Rock is about Dewey Finn who after being kicked out of his rock band became a teacher at a private school and he tried to turn his class into a rock band.
The family comedy movie is about a Muppet who with the help of two humans regroups with his Muppet gang to stop an oil mogul from taking down one of their life-longing treasures.