Kyoto Animation's A Silent Voice is an empowering story about a former school bully's journey to maturity, addressing topics like depression and suicide, not typically covered in mainstream anime.
An anime movie called Millennium Actress follows the life of the renowned actor Chiyoko Fujiwara via the travels of a documentary filmmaker. Through flashbacks, the present and past are blurred in the movie.
An anime film about Suzu, a young woman forced to flee her town during WWII, overcoming obstacles and making difficult choices.
Bloodlust, a sequel to Vampire Hunter D, fulfils fans' demands for a blood-sucking, monster-slashing cinematic experience, attracting others to indulge in the surrealist genre.
Aiming mostly at women, Only Yesterday, a 1991 Studio Ghibli film, is a touching tale of growing up in Japan with strong character development and a moral climax.
It is a thrilling film that follows JP, a fearless race car driver, as he competes in the world's riskiest and illegal race.
A compelling summertime movie, Night is Short, Walk on Girl explores a blend of romance, binge drinking, and book hunting.