Attack On Titan is an action and dark fantasy series released in 2013, this series will give you a terror feeling from the beginning to end.
Death Note is a supernatural crime thriller released in 2006, the school boy goes on a secret mission to eliminate criminals whose name is written in the magical Death Note.
One piece is the longest running anime series of all time running from 1999, it is a story of a pirate crew finding the greatest treasure of the world.
One punch man is an action, comedy and superhero anime released in 2015 is simply the story of a boy fulfilling his superhero dream.
Demon Slayer is a fantasy adventure released in 2019, it is one of the most loved series with a story of swordsmen with horrific powers in hand.
Naruto an action anime released in 2002 which is gateway for the anime beginners, it is a story of a Ninja who has dream of becoming Hokage.
Your Name is a popular anime released in 2016 which shows the bond of two teenagers who magically swapped their bodies.