A musical comedy horror film directed by Jim Sharman follows a couple discovering a bizarre mansion hosting a strange party.
It is a popular film that explores masculinity, consumerism, and identity through a disillusioned office worker and a soap salesman, resulting in unforeseen consequences.
Stanley Kubrick's film explores a delinquent's experiences with state-sponsored rehabilitation in a dystopian future, known for its provocative themes and memorable performances.
The movie is directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, and follows Jeffrey Lebowski, known as "The Dude," as he navigates a complex identity case.
It is a cult classic film, blending psychological drama, science fiction, and teen angst, directed by Richard Kelly, starring a troubled teenager with enigmatic visions.
is a beloved film that blends romance, comedy, and adventure, starring Rob Reiner. It follows a young woman and her love as they rescue her from an evil prince