Peaky Blinders is a British web series which is a story of a man Thomas Shelby led his gang in Birmingham Town. Here are some amazing facts about it.
The writer Steven Knight wrote the story on the real bad boys of Birmingham town the peaky blinders, the story of brothers rule.
The actors playing John’s real name is Joe Cole and Michael’s real name was Finn and are brothers in real life.
Cillian Murphy played the character of Thomas Shelby who smoked an estimated 1000 cigarettes in a season but was made with non harmful substances.
Aunt Polly was a fan favorite character which was played by Helen McCorry for which she watched Ozzy Osbourne to get the Birmingham accent.
Thomas Shelby sat many times in the dinning but was never seen eating but was seen drinking more than 200 times
Cillian Murphy told Birmingham TV that playing such a violent character made him exhausted after every season but he made more efforts to make the character feel alive