Why Onion And Garlic Is Not Consumed In Navratri

Rajasic, Tamasic And Sattvik Bhojan

The Food items can be categorised into three parts namely Rajasic, Tamasic and Sattvik Bhojan.

What is Sattvik Food?

It is believed that Sattvik food items are the ones that provide spiritual advancement—this puts all the vegetarian food items, with few exceptions.

Sattvik Diet List

Sattvic diet gives importance to seasonal foods, fruits, dairy products, nuts, seeds, oils, ripe vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and non-meat-based proteins.

Rajasic Food Items

Rajasic food items have a stimulating effect. It has neither a positive nor a negative impact on the body. Fish, eggs, chicken, whole pulses and dals, hot spices like chillies and pepper, salt, brinjal, onion, garlic, radish, tea, coffee, aerated drinks, chocolate etc.

Tamasic Food Items

Food that harms the mind or body is considered to be Tamasic in nature. It is believed to cause mental dullness. Fast food, fried foods, frozen and canned foods, microwaved foods, processed foods, stale food, alcohol, drugs etc


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