This avatar of Lord Vishnu helped in saving the first man on the earth and many other existing creatures on the earth from a great flood.
This Avatar of Lord Vishnu is a Boar, and he raised the earth from the bottom of the sea after Demon Hiranyaksha pulled the earth at the bottom of the earth.
Lord Vishnu took this Avatar to kill Demon Hiranyakashipu as he was misusing his powers and was causing trouble both in Heaven and on Earth.
This avatar was taken by Lord Vishnu to send the Demon King Bali to the Underworld as under his rule, all the God’s were losing their power.
He is the King of Ayodhya and is also believed as the Supreme Lord. He is the Epicentre of the Epic “Ramayana”.
This avatar of Lord Vishnu is the one who plays Flute and is a Cowherd. He recited the poem “Bhagvad Gita” to Arjun on the battlefield.
This Avatar of Lord Vishnu is said to take place by the end of Kaliyuga to destroy the unrighteous rulers.