7 High-profile AI Jobs You Can Consider Pursuing In 2024

Zee Media Bureau
Jun 21, 2024

1. Data Engineer

As a data engineer, you will maintain massive data architectures for companies. Other responsibilities include establishing a productive environment that allows company processes to work together seamlessly.

2. AI Consultant

In your capacity as an AI consultant, you will assist businesses in successfully integrating AI solutions. You will manage AI initiatives and guide internal groups in the application and upkeep of AI tools.

3. AI Software Engineer

AI software engineers are typically responsible for developing the architecture of AI applications. Other duties include establishing communication between data scientists and data engineers as well as maintaining the software required for AI jobs.

4. Data Scientist

In AI software engineering, a data scientist's primary responsibility is to examine and analyze data in order to derive insights, spot trends, and uncover possible issues or business possibilities.

5. Machine Learning Engineer

You will interact with the creators of AI's prediction algorithms in your role as a machine learning engineer. You will also create scalable models that are capable of managing enormous amounts of real-time data.

6. Business Intelligence Analyst

In your role as a business intelligence analyst, you will use AI programs to analyze company data and provide conclusions about potential business trends.

7. Robotics Engineer

Artificial Intelligence and robotics work best together in any automated, sustainable system. By creating and managing AI-based robots, robotics engineers contribute significantly to the advancement of AI.


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