No Vomit, No Motion Sickness In Car! Follow These 7 Tips

Lakshya Rana
May 28, 2024

Right Seat

Sit in the front seat where you can see the road, as it helps sync your visual and inner ear signals, reducing motion sickness.

Focus On The Horizon

Keep your eyes fixed on a stable point like the horizon. This can help your brain reconcile the movement it senses with what your eyes see.


Ensure good ventilation in the car. Fresh air can help alleviate symptoms, so open a window to keep air circulating.

Avoid Heavy Meals

Eat light before or during the journey. Avoid heavy, greasy, or spicy foods, which can exacerbate nausea.

Avoid Reading Or Screens

Avoid activities that focus your vision inside the car, like reading or using a phone, as these can worsen motion sickness.

Take Breaks

Plan regular breaks during long trips to get out of the car, stretch, and get some fresh air.


Consider the prescription medications for motion sickness. Consult with a doctor to find the best option for you.


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