7 Things You Shouldn't Keep In Your Car

Medha Jha
May 16, 2024


Alcohol is flammable and risky to store in a car, as it can catch fire under certain conditions. It's safer to avoid keeping alcohol in your car's cabin.


Devices like phones and laptops with lithium-ion batteries can suffer from heat-related damage, affecting their battery life. Keep electronics out of extreme heat to maintain their performance.


Lighters are hazardous in hot environments as the flammable liquid inside can leak, increasing the risk of fire. Avoid leaving lighters in your car.


Medications should be kept at room temperature and in a dry environment. The heat inside a car can alter their composition and effectiveness.

Sunscreen and Cosmetics

Cosmetics, including sunscreen and lipstick, can undergo composition changes in the heat, becoming harmful to the skin.

Aerosol Cans

Avoid leaving aerosol cans like room fresheners, deodorants, and spray paints in your car. They can expand in extreme heat, potentially causing explosions that damage your vehicle.

Water Bottles

Long-term storage of water bottles can lead to the water being contaminated. It's best to avoid drinking water from bottles left in hot cars.


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