
Soon, Twitter to give not only Blue but Gold & Grey ticks as well to verified users, reveals Elon Musk

The new monthly verification system will have the variation of colours in verification ticks - Gold for companies, Grey for government, & blue for individuals. All accounts will be verified by manually before check activates.  

  • Elon Musk has confirmed that the blue tick verification will tentatively launch on Friday next week.
  • Twitter stopped its monthly subscription plan after facing backlash over rising impersonate and fake accounts.
  • Elon Musk further explained that there will be variation of colours in verification ticks.

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Soon, Twitter to give not only Blue but Gold & Grey ticks as well to verified users, reveals Elon Musk Elon Musk confirms to relaunch Blue tick verification subscription next month.

New Delhi: Twitter new head Elon Musk has confirmed that the blue tick verification will tentatively launch on Friday next week. Twitter stopped its monthly subscription plan after facing backlash over rising impersonate and fake accounts. Musk informed the development on a Tweet reply. When one user told him that Twitter wasn’t letting him to edit 1 character despite being verified, he replied, “Sorry for the delay, we’re tentatively launching Verified on Friday next week.”

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Elon Musk further explained that there will be variation of colours in verification ticks. Gold check will be for companies, Grey check for government, blue for individuals (Celebrity or not). Making it a blue proof strategy to stop impersonation and fake accounts, he said all verified accounts will be manually authenticated before check activates. He said it’s painful but necessary.

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Individual may have the secondary tiny logo soon

Revealing the nitty-gritty of 2nd version of blue tick verification, Elon Musk has told that individuals can have secondary tiny logo showing they belong to an organization. It will only appear as and when the individual has been verified as such by that organisation.

He further said that he will explain this system in details next week.

“All verified individual humans will have same blue check, as boundary of what constitutes “notable” is otherwise too subjective. Individuals can have secondary tiny logo showing they belong to an org if verified as such by that org. Longer explanation next week,” Elon Musk replied on a tweet.