
Cricket fraternity pay condolences to former New Zealand skipper Martin Crowe

The former Kiwi batsman had been suffering from lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system, for a second time.

Cricket fraternity pay condolences to former New Zealand skipper Martin Crowe

New Delhi: Former New Zealand skipper Martin Crowe, has died aged 53 after a second bout of cancer on Thursday.

He was regarded as one of the greatest sportsmen to come from New Zealand. His Test career spanned over 13 years for New Zealand.

The former Kiwi batsman had been suffering from lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system, for a second time.

He received the all-clear from the disease in 2012, but confirmed in September 2014 that it had returned.

Cricket fraternity was saddened with the shocking news of Crowe's death.

They paid their condolences to Crowe and his family on Twitter.