
7 Habits Which Can Make Shani Dev Angry

In astrology there are 9 planets also known as Navgrah. These different planets affect different aspects of life. Saturn is one of them. Here are 7 habits you should avoid to keep your saturn happy. 


Never Seek For Shortcuts:

Never Seek For Shortcuts:

It is believed that the ruler of saturn planet is shani dev. Who is considered as  one of the cruelest rulers because shani dev can become inauspicious for you if you take short cuts every time. 


Non - Veg:

Non - Veg:

 As per astrology shani dev represents discipline, hardwork and honesty. Which actually makes the people’s personality better.  Apart from this consuming non vegetarian food might make your saturn unhappy. 


Stay Away From Intoxicants:

Stay Away From Intoxicants:

Shani dev  does not work in your favor if you are consuming any toxicants in your day to day life. Also it is not good from a health perspective. Try to avoid any harmful drinks. 


Avoiding Hard Work:

Avoiding Hard Work:

As Saturn planet is about hard work and putting real efforts. If you try to avoid the original paths you might have to deal with Saturn’s inauspiciousness. Sticking to putting efforts might fall in your favor.   



 Being indiscipline can create hurdles in achieving the best of your life. To avoid that, try to stay a disciple. As per astrology  indiscipline is not a very pleasing activity for shani dev.



Shani dev is believed to calm down the egoistic approach in a human. Try to stay humble  as Shani Dev brings in your life to make you a more humble and mature personality. 


Lack of humility:

Lack of humility:

A phase of your life which might be dominated by the lack of humility means more ego, arrogance and self centeredness. These thighs might be treated by shani dev. This habit makes Shani dev unhappy.