
Exclusive: Myths and Facts about Male Reproductive Health and Infertility

High-pressure jobs in today’s world have increased the levels of stress in millennial men, which may be detrimental for their reproductive health. Stress has a direct effect on not just the mental and emotional state of men but also their physical health. 

Myth: Infertility is a female issue only

Myth:  Infertility is a female issue only

Fact: Females have been disproportionately blamed when a couple is unable to conceive. It is one of the largest myths to exist to date and is usually because of how women are at the centre of the entire process – from getting pregnant to carrying a child full-term to breastfeeding them and taking care of them. However, it has been medically proven that the cause of infertility can be traced to underlying conditions in both sexes. In couples who are not able to conceive, it is due to underlying conditions in females 40 percent of the time, another 40 percent due to males, while in 20 percent couples, it can be due to problems with both the partners. Infertility is an increasing problem in today’s population and it is wrong and insensitive to call it an issue of a single-sex.

Myth: Infertility is only associated with reproductive health; it has no connection with overall health

Myth: Infertility is only associated with reproductive health; it has no connection with overall health

Fact: The human body is a complex machine and every function carried out is intricately intertwined with the other. Thus, the malfunction of one activity does not exist as a single entity and can cause a cascade of problems. Similarly, infertility can result due to a number of factors and not only due to problems in one’s reproductive health. 

For instance, several studies have shown that there is a direct impact of hypertension on sperm quantity, quality and motility. Over the years, with the rising levels of environmental stressors, consumption of unhealthy food and substances experts have also observed a rise in blood pressure levels and a decline in sperm health. Additionally, diabetes shows its influence in the form of changed hormonal levels, reduced sperm quality, and difficulty in getting an erection and with ejaculation. Therefore, male’s overall health can impact their reproductive health and lead to infertility.

Myth: Substance consumption is not linked to infertility

Myth: Substance consumption is not linked to infertility

Fact: Consumption of substances such as smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol regularly has been found to decrease fertility in males. Studies have found that smoking is directly associated with a decrease in sperm density, total sperm count, and the total number of motile sperm compared to males who do not smoke. It is also one of the prominent reasons for erectile dysfunction. Alcohol consumption in high quantities can affect fertility in a similar manner in men while also causing a decrease in testosterone levels.

Myth: Stress has no impact on male reproductive health

Myth: Stress has no impact on male reproductive health

Fact: High-pressure jobs in today’s world have increased the levels of stress in millennial men, which may be detrimental for their reproductive health. Stress has a direct effect on not just the mental and emotional state of men but also their physical health. It may cause the release of hormones that can decrease testosterone levels and sperm production such as glucocorticoids. Apart from stress, one of the major causes of poor reproductive health is an unhealthy sedentary lifestyle. Poor diet and no physical activity has been seen as evil to male reproductive health.

Myth: STIs and STDs have no impact on fertility in males

Myth: STIs and STDs have no impact on fertility in males

Fact: Sexually transmitted diseases or infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea can cause infertility in males. This can be kept in check by limiting the number of sexual partners, using protection during intercourse and going for regular tests to screen for STI/Ds.

A large proportion of adolescents and young adults who may have contracted any STI/Ds may remain asymptomatic. As a result, they may not be aware of attaining any STI/Ds which can negatively impact sexual and reproductive health and causing infertility in the longer run. These STI/Ds increase the risk of complications in sexual health and cause infertility in males by affecting the quality and quantity of sperm.

Myth: There is no test to detect male infertility

Myth: There is no test to detect male infertility

Fact: Advancements in assisted reproductive technologies have made it possible to detect and treat male infertility. Tests such as sperm DNA fragmentation is used to define abnormal genetic material in the sperm, which in turn may lead to infertility, failure in IVF and miscarriage. Advanced fertility facilities provide this test through the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA).  This evaluation is an excellent way of assessing sperms and discovering any DNA harm.