
Exclusive: Check out these expert tips for a healthy married life!

Today, Damini Grover, an Author and founder of I’m Powered – Center for Counseling & Well-being, Delhi tells us simple tips on how to enjoy a blissful married life. 

How married couples can be happy forever!

How married couples can be happy forever!

When two people get married, the honeymoon phase of mushy love, romance and travel among other things helps you build a castle of good hope. Gradually as time passes, sadly we see some couples getting into conflicts and arguments resulting in turmoil. But amid these testing times 'adjustment' is the keyword. Today, Damini Grover, an Author and founder of I’m Powered – Center for Counseling & Well-being, Delhi tells us simple tips on how to enjoy a blissful married life. Damini lists down some tips for marriage to be a smooth ride

Accept your partner

Accept your partner

Often people get involved in this struggle to change their partner. There is a constant tug of war between the two which often becomes the source of a lot of conflicts. For any relationship to succeed, it’s important for us to accept the other person for who he/she is and then make a choice of what we can or cannot adjust with.

Expert tells how to keep your married life blissful

Expert tells how to keep your married life blissful

“Being married is not simply about fulfilling social roles and responsibilities. It’s about building a life together with someone who shares a similar vision and with whom you can be yourself.  It’s about togetherness, connection, intimacy and growth”, adds Damini.

Have fun

Have fun

It’s important to engage in fun activities once in a while to engage the happiness quotient within the relationship. Too often couples get lost in the day-to-day activities and routine. To keep the spark alive, it’s important to take out time for fun, laughter and connection.

Accept conflict as a part of life

Accept conflict as a part of life

No two individuals can think alike at all times, no matter how aligned they may be. Being married requires partners to celebrate the similarities they share & be mindful of the differences that exist. Conflicts are a part & parcel of any relationship including marriage. According to renowned Couples Therapists John & Julie Gottman, approximately 69% of conflicts are unresolvable between couples.

Therefore, it’s important to understand that conflict, and arguments are normal. However, what matters is how the couple navigates through them. Conflicts can also be a great way to build more understanding of each other if handled appropriately.

Be in each other’s corner

Be in each other’s corner

Being married is about operating as a unit along with preserving your individual identity. In most arguments and fights, couple often turn against each other. It’s important for partners to be mindful of the fact that they are one unit and their fight is against an issue. It’s only when they function as one entity, are they able to resolve and power through the issues & concerns while building intimacy & connection.

Accept yourself

Accept yourself

Perhaps more important than understanding your partner, it’s important for you to understand yourself. Being married is not about taking on a new identity and foregoing who you are. Rather, it’s about accepting the new identity as a part of who you are. That acceptance can only come when we are sure of who we are, and what our needs, desires, values, likes and dislikes are.