
Apple Store India Employee Salaries, Educational Qualifications, And Other Details

Salary, And Qualification Of Employees At Apple Store India

Salary, And Qualification Of Employees At Apple Store India

Check employee salaries and qualifications at Apple Store India

Employee's Salary At Apple Store India

Employee's Salary At Apple Store India

Employees at Apple Stores in India begin with a wage package of Rs 1 lakh per month.

Employees' Educational Qualification

Employees' Educational Qualification

The personnel have a range of educational backgrounds, including MBAs, B Techs, and Masters of Science in Information Technology.

Apple Store India Employees' Belongings

Apple Store India Employees' Belongings

Some of these staff members have attended international colleges like Griffith and Cambridge for their studies.

India's Apple Store

India's Apple Store

Additionally, several personnel from Apple store operations in Europe or the Middle East have been moved within.

Total Employees In Apple Store India

Total Employees In Apple Store India

More than 170 highly qualified team members have been employed by Apple to manage its two stores in India.