
WHO makes BIG claim, says Covid-19 ‘kills one person every 44 seconds globally’

“The number of weekly reported deaths may have dropped by more than 80 per cent since February, but even so, last week one person died with Covid-19 every 44 seconds,” Ghebreyesus said. 

WHO makes BIG claim, says Covid-19 ‘kills one person every 44 seconds globally’

New Delhi: As the world was moving towards normalcy post the Covid-19 pandemic amid declining cases, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned that one person with Covid-19 is still dying every 44 seconds globally. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director General, said that this virus will not just fade away.

"The global decline in reported cases and deaths is continuing. This is very encouraging. But there is no guarantee these trends will persist. The most dangerous thing is to assume they will," he said in his latest remarks.

“The number of weekly reported deaths may have dropped by more than 80 per cent since February, but even so, last week one person died with Covid-19 every 44 seconds,” Ghebreyesus said during his regular briefing.

"Most of those deaths are avoidable. You might be tired of hearing me say the pandemic is not over. But I will keep saying it until it is. This virus will not just fade away," he added.

Meanwhile, the global health body is all set to publish a set of six short policy briefs next week. These briefs will outline the essential actions that all governments can take to reduce transmission and save lives.

The briefs will cover the essential elements of testing, clinical management, vaccination, infection prevention and control, risk communication and community engagement, and managing the infodemic.

"We hope countries will use these briefs to reassess and readjust their policies to protect those most at risk, treat those who need it and save lives. The pandemic is always evolving, and so must the response, in every country," said the WHO chief.