
Union Budget 2017: Rajya Sabha to take up Motion of Thanks on President 's speech

The Rajya Sabha will today take up the Motion of thanks on President Pranab Mukherjee`s address to the joint sitting of the Parliament.

Union Budget 2017: Rajya Sabha to take up Motion of Thanks on President 's speech

New Delhi: The Rajya Sabha will on Thursday take up the Motion of thanks on President Pranab Mukherjee`s address to the joint sitting of the Parliament.

Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad is scheduled to initiate the discussion on it.

However, the Lok Sabha will not sit today, as a mark of respect to former union minister and Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) leader E. Ahmed, who passed away earlier on Tuesday.

He passed away after suffering a heart attack during the President address.Ahmed represented the Malappuram Lok Sabha constituency of Kerala. 

He served as the Minister of State for External Affairs in the Manmohan Singh government.