
BJP Mocks Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin With 'Mandarin' Birthday Wish Amid 'Chinese Flag' Ad Row

a row that erupted on February 28 after a newspaper advertisement of the DMK government allegedly showcased a 'China flag' among rockets from other countries in the background. 

BJP Mocks Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin With 'Mandarin' Birthday Wish Amid 'Chinese Flag' Ad Row

Chennai: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has taken a dig at Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin amidst the controversy surrounding a newspaper advertisement displaying a 'Chinese flag'. On Friday, the BJP extended birthday wishes to CM Stalin in Mandarin, subtly mocking him amid the ongoing debate. In a post that said 'Happy Birthday in his (CM Stalin's) 'favourite' language, the BJP posted a picture message with wishes written in 'Mandarin' along with the Chief Minister's photo.

"On behalf of BJP Tamil Nadu, here's wishing our CM MK Stalin avargal a happy birthday in his favourite language! May he live a long & healthy life!" the post on X said.



Row Chinese Flag Newspaper Ad

The controversy ignited on February 28 when a newspaper advertisement by the DMK government featured what appeared to be a 'China flag' alongside rockets from various countries. The advertisement, which celebrated the laying of the foundation stone for ISRO's second launch pad complex in Kulsekarapatinam, stirred widespread criticism.

PM Modi's Criticism Of DMK

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his recent two-day visit to Tamil Nadu, condemned the DMK's advertisement. He accused the ruling party of appropriating credit for India's achievements while displaying disregard for national pride. PM Modi specifically targeted the DMK for allegedly showcasing a 'China flag' in the advertisement, insinuating a lack of respect for India's space sector progress.

DMK's Response

DMK MP K Kanimozhi defended the advertisement, refuting claims of portraying China as an enemy. She highlighted previous diplomatic engagements between India and China, suggesting that the use of the Chinese flag was not indicative of hostility. Additionally, Fisheries Minister Anitha Radhakrishnan acknowledged an oversight in the advertisement, attributing the inclusion of the Chinese flag to a mistake by the designers.

"A small mistake has been made in the newspaper advertisement given by us regarding the setting up of a rocket launch pad in the Kulasekarapatnam area. The image of the Chinese flag in the advertisement welcoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi was a mistake by those who designed the advertisement, which went unnoticed by us," said the DMK leader. 

Political Fallout

The episode has escalated into a political spat, with the BJP leveraging the controversy to taunt CM Stalin. The use of Mandarin in the birthday wish serves as a symbolic jab, adding fuel to the ongoing debate over the DMK's advertisement tactics. As both parties continue to exchange barbs, the incident underscores the heightened political sensitivities surrounding issues of national pride and diplomatic relations.