
Know what causes balding in men!

Men often lose their confidence when they start losing their hair and eventually go bald.

Zee Media Bureau

New Delhi: Men often lose their confidence when they start losing their hair and eventually go bald. Though genetics play a huge role in male pattern baldness, there are also other health conditions that could be causing it.

Here are some of the conditions that lead to balding in men:


Lifestyle stress could be one of the reasons of balding. By lifestyle stress, we mean wrong diet habits, less sleep, career pressure and all of these lead to hair loss.


It is the most common iron deficiency which many men suffer from and could be a cause of balding. One should take an iron supplement to correct this problem.

Vitamin B deficiency

Another condition that causes balding is low level of vitamin B. Eating a balanced diet with a plentiful of fruits, vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats can be good for your hair and overall health.

Infection in scalp

If your scalp is infected then it can lead to balding. Bacteria can cause inflammation of the hair follicles (folliculitis) of the scalp mainly attacking the crown or base of the scalp.