
Five things to avoid while you are on antibiotics!

Antibiotics undoubtedly offer protection against bacteria, but they also have certain side-effects that you need to be careful of.

Five things to avoid while you are on antibiotics!

New Delhi: Winter is here and so are numerous infections, flu's and diseases that have been stalking you ever since the season began.

Some of you have also probably become their victims already. Of course, at this time medical care is of utmost importance along with a healthy diet that helps keep your immune system in balance and provides the requisite strength to combat the virus.

Whenever medical care is mentioned, many people take that as an opportunity to resort to heavy antibiotics. They undoubtedly offer protection against bacteria, but they also have certain side-effects that you need to be careful of.

Bloating, diarrhoea and constipation to antibiotic resistance are among them and there are a few precautions one needs to take when they are on antibiotics.

1. Always keep in mind that antibiotics should be taken only to deal with bacterial infection and not to treat viral or fungal diseases/infections.

2. Ensure that you have a prescription before taking antibiotics. The general recommended dosage of antibiotics is 2–3 times a day, however, self-medication is a strict no-no.

3. 2–3 litres of water every day is a must to keep your body hydrated. You can also drink fresh fruit juices when taking antibiotics as it helps in flushing out the harmful chemicals from the body.

4. When you're on antibiotics, your digestive abilities are bound to get slightly affected, therefore, it is important that you eat easy-to-digest and non-salty food. Stay away from oily food and make sure you practice portion control.

5. You can take antacids and vitamin supplements when on antibiotics, however, avoid taking iron supplements during the course of medication. You can continue your intake of calcium supplements.