
Haryana Police recruitment 2021: Applications open for 520 vacancies of male constables, check details here

Interested candidates can apply on HSSC's official website 

Haryana Police recruitment 2021: Applications open for 520 vacancies of male constables, check details here File Photo

New Delhi: The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has invited applications for recruitment of Male Constables in the Commando Wing (Group C) of the Police department.

The application process will commence on June 14. Interested candidates can apply on its official website The last date to fill the forms is June 29. 

A total of 520 vacancies of Male Constables have been released by the Commission. The recruitment notification is available on the Commission’s website. 

Eligibility criteria: 

The candidate must have passed Class 12 or its equivalent from a recognized education Board/Institution for all the categories. Matric with Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subject or higher education is also required. 

Age limit: 

The applicant should be between 18-21 years for all categories as on June 1, 2021.


HSSC will recruit candidates based on physical measurement test (PMT), physical screening tests (PST) and a written exam.

For more information, candidates are advised to check out the notification on HSSC website.  

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