
Dogs in China to be fitted with microchips for better control

China’s Guangdong province has made a new rule under which dog owners in the city must have a special microchip inserted beneath the skin of their pets by the end of July.

Beijing: China’s Guangdong province has made a new rule under which dog owners in the city must have a special microchip inserted beneath the skin of their pets by the end of July.
The policy is meant to enable authorities to exercise more control over the large number of dogs in Guangzhou. The chip, known as an electronic dog identity card will not only provide information about dog``s date of birth, health conditions and vaccination history, but will also record the name and address of its owner. The chip will last for 50 years, which is much longer than a dog`s life span. Guangzhou police have licensed 27 offices as places where dog owners can go to have the chips inserted, the China Daily reports. Following the insertion of a chip, dog owners will receive a special red ribbon marker, which their dogs will have to wear when they are brought to local streets and other public places. According to the Rules on Raising Dogs in Guangzhou, which were passed in July 2009, anyone who violates these rules will be fined as much as 2,000 Yuan. In addition to keeping their pets on a leash, dog owners are required to clean up the animals`` waste, according to the rules. The campaign will last until the end of July. ANI