
REET Level 2 Mains Scorecard 2023 OUT At Check Direct Link, Steps To Download Marksheet

REET Mains Result 2023: Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board, Jaipur has released the REET Mains Level 1 and 2 Mains scorecard, scroll down for the direct link and steps to download marksheet.

REET Level 2 Mains Scorecard 2023 OUT At Check Direct Link, Steps To Download Marksheet REET Mains Result 2023

REET Mains Result 2023: Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board, Jaipur has declared the REET Mains Level 1 and 2 Mains Scorecard 2023. Candidates who appeared in the examination can check their scorecard on the official websites at and Candidates can check their scorecard by simply logging in with their 'Application Number' and 'Date of Birth' on the official portal.

REET Mains Level 2: Direct Link To Check Scorecard

REET Mains Level 2: Steps To Download Scorecard

- Go to the official website at or
- Find and click on the link that says, REET Mains Level 2 scorecard.
- It will redirect to the new page where candidates have to key in their login credentials.
- Submit details and REET Mains Level 2 scorecard will appear on the screen.
- Download it and save the scorecard for future reference.

REET Mains Result 2023: Details On The Scorecard

The REET scorecard will have candidate’s name, roll number, scores, exam date and category. The candidates who have qualified in REET have to appear for document verification rounds. The candidates need to provide documents like admit card, scorecard, marksheets, other official documents.

REET Mains Level 2 Result: Exam Date

The REET Mains Level-2 2022 examination was held from February 25 to March 1, 2023. The recruitment examination is being held to fill a total of 48,000 vacancies of grade 3 teachers across the state. The REET scorecard will comprise of details such as candidate’s name, roll number, section-wise score, total score, exam date and category.