
Nicki Minaj feared being too famous after `American Idol`

Singer Nicki Minaj says she was afraid that joining ‘American Idol’ as a judge would make her too famous but did it anyways.

Los Angeles: Singer Nicki Minaj says she was afraid that joining ‘American Idol’ as a judge would make her too famous but did it anyways.
The 30-year-old singer even discussed the issue with her family and mentors before signing the deal with ‘American Idol’ bosses.
"(Before joining) I had a lot of talks with people - my family, my best friends, my label, (mentor) Lil Wayne, management and then the producers," quoted Minaj as saying. "(There is) a judgmental culture in hip-hop. Sometimes you are afraid of being too famous because it`s almost, like, is that even cool? Being that accessible, someone you see on TV every week? I never pictured myself as that type of person. I`m still surprised that I decided to do it," she added. Minaj will be seen alongside singer Mariah Carey, Keith Urban and Randy Jackson when season 12 kicks off in US Jan 16. IANS