
Liam Hemsworth key to Miley Cyrus` happiness

Singer Miley Cyrus is engaged to actor Liam Hemsworth, whom she describes as the "hottest guy in my life" and says her fiance is the main reason behind her happiness.

Los Angeles: Singer Miley Cyrus is engaged to actor Liam Hemsworth, whom she describes as the "hottest guy in my life" and says her fiance is the main reason behind her happiness.
"Number one is my relationship with Liam. That`s what I feel the most confident in...," Cyrus said in a interview for the March issue of Cosmopolitan magazine.
In the interview, the 20-year-old admitted she still can`t believe how attractive her Australian beau is, reports "I will literally look at him and be like, `You are hot, dear god!` The other day, I turned on the pool heater and it was steaming, and he walked outside and took off his clothes and jumped in the pool. I was like, `I`m gonna faint - the hottest guy of my life is in a steaming pool. This looks like a Playgirl shoot`!" she said. Cyrus previously said that while she is really in love with Hemsworth, they are in no rush to tie the knot. "I already feel married. I know we are forever. I don`t need the paper right now. I don`t know when we will get married yet. We are still enjoying being engaged." "I have got so much planning to do with the tours and getting my record out. First I have my movie, then my record, then I will do my wedding planning," she said. IANS