
`Paranormal Activity 4` to release this year

Following the big success of `Paranormal Activity 3` in 2011, Paramount Pictures has planned to release its follow-up in 2012.

Los Angeles: Following the big success of `Paranormal Activity 3` in 2011, Paramount Pictures has planned to release its follow-up in 2012.
The studio issued a press release on January 2 saying the fourth instalment of supernatural horror film will unleash this year along with some other potential big movies, reported Aceshowbiz.
"In 2012, Paramount`s release slate highlights include `World War Z`, a zombie thriller starring Brad Pitt and directed by Marc Foster, `GI Joe: Retaliation`, the next instalment in the global franchise starring Dwayne `The Rock` Johnson and Channing Tatum`, a new chapter in the `Paranormal Activity` franchise, and `The Dictator`, starring Sacha Baron Cohen`," said the announcement. However, the exact release date for `Paranormal Activity 4` has not been set. The screenwriter and the actors for the forthcoming film haven`t been announced as well. The last `Paranormal Activity` film was released on October 21, 2011. PTI