
Parenting isn`t always pleasant: Elle Macpherson

Supermodel Elle Macpherson says being a mother isn`t always pleasant because her sons don`t like being told what to do.

London: Supermodel Elle Macpherson says being a mother isn`t always pleasant because her sons don`t like being told what to do.
The 48-year-old, raises sons Flynn, 14, and nine-year-old Cy, whose father is her former partner Arpad Busson. She said that being tough on them is necessary, although it doesn`t make her popular, reported Contactmusic.
"My role as a parent is not the most pleasant one at times. I don`t delegate that work so I get a lot of, `I hate you, mum, you`re the worst mother in the world because you`re making me do homework when I don`t have any.` "I say, `Cool, you`re still sitting down for a little while and revising some of the more sticky subjects, or reading another chapter of your book, because a little a day goes a long way and avoids last-minute panic,`" Macpherson said. "Then I get, `But I don`t need to, I don`t have exams.` I say, `I understand, so what did you do today?` Let`s have a look at your books together and you can work out a plan for when you do have exams,`" she added. PTI