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The commission ordered to remove posters against election rules PT1M42S
How long is the duration of premature rain in full spring PT1M32S

Rain Update: ভরা বসন্তে অকাল বৃষ্টির মেয়াদ আর কতদিন? কী বলছে আলিপুর আবহাওয়া দফতর? | Zee 24 Ghanta

How long is the duration of premature rain in full spring? What is Alipur Meteorological Department? View current weather updates

Mar 20, 2024, 09:35 PM IST
High-rise disaster reprimanded by the mayors sub assistant engineer PT3M4S

Firhad Hakim Exclusive: বহুতলে বিপর্যয়, সাব অ্যাসিস্ট্যান্ট ইঞ্জিনিয়রকে তিরস্কার মেয়রের! | Zee 24 Ghanta

High-rise disaster, reprimanded by the mayor's sub-assistant engineer! Mayor Firhad Hakim held a meeting with all the engineers of the building department on Wednesday, see what he said there

Mar 20, 2024, 09:25 PM IST
Suvendu Adhikari roars Most of the CPM leaders and workers are with us PT2M24S

Suvendu Adhikari: 'অধিকাংশ সিপিএম নেতা-কর্মী আমাদের সঙ্গে' হুঙ্কার শুভেন্দুর! | Zee 24 Ghanta

Suvendu Adhikari roars Most of the CPM leaders and workers are with us', Suvendu Adhikari! See what the opposition leader of the state gave while standing at Karimpur in Nadia

Mar 20, 2024, 08:10 PM IST
Still one missing in the ruins of Gardenreach Building Collapse in Kolkata PT6M33S

Garden Reach Building Collapse: গার্ডেনরিচের ধ্বংসস্তূপে নিখোঁজ এখনও এক! | Zee 24 Ghanta

Still one missing in the ruins of Gardenreach! Check the latest updates on NDRF searches

Mar 20, 2024, 07:50 PM IST
Additional recruitment to SSC should be canceled outright Justice Debanshu Basaks comments PT1M57S

SSC Scam: 'এসএসসিতে অতিরিক্ত নিয়োগ সরাসরি বাতিল হওয়া উচিত' | Zee 24 Ghanta

'Additional recruitment to SSC should be canceled outright' Justice Debanshu Basak's comments on SSC recruitment

Mar 20, 2024, 06:25 PM IST
Accused of beating the young man in Kanksar Gopalpur PT4M

Paschim Bardhaman Incident: কাঁকসার গোপালপুরে যুবককে ডেকে নিয়ে পিটিয়ে মারার অভিযোগ! | Zee 24 Ghanta

Accused of beating the young man in Kanksar Gopalpur! Turbulent whole area. See current updates on this matter

Mar 20, 2024, 05:50 PM IST